But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God…
LUKE 18:16
But Jesus called them to Him and said,
"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God…Luke 18: 16
"Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me."…..Mark 9: 37
Children must be twelve years or older to attend adult service in the sanctuary
We provide age-appropriate Bible classes for younger children ages two and up including children’s worship time.
We have a staffed nursery for infants and one yr. olds
Any questions concerning children’s ministry please call Pastor Mark …585-586-3140
- Children over 12 and up are welcome in the sanctuary
- Children ages 1-12 are taken to their respective classrooms prior to worship where they are signed in.
- Children ages 1-2 stay in their classroom the entire service.
- Children ages 3-12 are taken to the children’s worship room then return to their class for study time.
- Parents may opt to have children ages 9-12 remain with them for adult worship after signing them in prior to service as long as they return to their classroom for study.
- Mothers with babies can bring their children to the nursing mom’s room at the right end of the Sunday school wing. The service will be streamed for them.
Sunday night study
- No child care at this time.
Thursday night study
- Teens meet in the Sanctuary for worship then meet in the Teen Room
- Children ages 1-6 should go to classroom and be signed in prior to service.
- Children ages 7-12 worship with parents in Sanctuary then go to class for Bible study.
- Mothers with babies can bring their children to the nursing mom’s room at the right end of the Sunday school wing. The service will be streamed for them.
- If there are sufficient servants in the 1-6 age class, infants may be able to be left. Feel free to ask, we will text you in the event you’re needed.
Teaching Kids the Gospel of John & Ephesians
Our prayer is that parents will find these devotional books useful in teaching the word of God to their children.
Feel free to download, print, and use this curriculum any way you see fit (non-profit use only). The Curriculum below is a work in progress, please check back for more additional chapters.
Pastor Kevin’s Children’s Sunday School Videos
Pastor Kevin’s Children Bible Study Video #1
Pastor Kevin’s Children Bible Study Video #2
Pastor Kevin’s Children Bible Study Video #3
Pastor Kevin’s Children Bible Study Video #4
Pastor Kevin’s Children Bible Study Video #5