The vision for this ministry is to:
- Bring men together to hear God’s Word and draw them closer to Jesus Christ.
- Allow men to use the gifts of the Spirit to exhort and encourage one another.
- Foster accountability between men
- Help us to understand and submit to the roles that God has placed before us as husbands, fathers, grandfathers, employers, employees, teachers, etc.
- In addition to one-on-one fellowship, these principals are utilized through the following regular events.
Men’s Fellowship/Breakfast:
When: 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 AM.
Where: Calvary Chapel of Rochester Missions’ Cafe
Breakfast is at the Browncroft Family Restaurant (next door to Calvary Chapel of Rochester) at 7:00 AM followed by a study in the Mission’s Cafe at CCR. In addition, there is an opportunity for discussion of whatever issues are on our hearts. Full confidentiality is requested.
Men’s Day:
When: Once each month.
Time: 7:30 – 11:00 AM.
Where: Calvary Chapel of Rochester – 2505 Browncroft Blvd. Rochester, NY 14625
Teacher: God’s messenger varies.
Men prepare breakfast for all in attendance. After breakfast, we have two lessons and two opportunities to be encouraged by the Word of God.